Some people dream of success. We make it happen.
Rainwater Harvesting
I have promoted the use of rainwater for landscape irrigation for over 20 years. As the developer of the Austin Rainwater Harvesting Rebate, I oversaw the approval of the first rebated rainwater systems in Austin. Later, I was the rainwater, irrigation and landscape "expert" :) at Austin Energy Green Building. Now, I am available to consult on your rainwater harvesting system, make presentations to groups and organize workshops.
I can assist with the design and installation of water-conserving ponds and water features utilizing underground storage, where digging is appropriate. With water scarcity becoming more evident, rainwater harvesting is the only appropriate way to provide make-up water for ornamental water features. This type of "cage" in a liner system also is great for underground rainwater storage, again where digging is relatively easy.
I host the Harvested Rainwater section on the Sustainable Sources website. This excellent, long-time green building website compiles encyclopedic information into easy to locate tabs. CSI format is easy to follow. For the rainwater section, look under WATER.
An excellent, long-time website related to rainwater harvesting is HarvestH2O.com, hosted by my friend Doug Pushard. For tips and best management practices, I depend on the Texas Manual on Rainwater Harvesting and the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association.
Be sure to look at the Helpful Hints page for videos of presentations and interviews.
Since retiring from Austin Energy Green Building, I have enjoyed working on projects from small barrel installations to my largest project to date of 105,000 gallons!
Your project is important to both you and me.Rainwater harvesting is not hard, but sometimes it can be a little confusing.
Let's find a time to visit about your ideas first. Then we can discuss my recomendations. More than once, I have left a site with the recomendation to NOT add rainwater harvesting! One time I just reprogrammed an irrigation controler and reduced the clients water bill by 75%.
I have presented programs on rainwater harvesting to very small groups up to over 100. I only charge for businesses that make a profit selling services or goods. I do not charge for presentations to schools, non-profits or homeowners' associations.
Most presentations are limited to local groups unless arrangements are made for travel and accomidations. There is no charge for clubs or HOA's. Garden Centers and other places of business may have workshops or presentations starting at $150. Fees are negotiable.
I am a consultant on rainwater projects in Central Texas. During an initial consultation, we can discuss much more than tanks! Make a list beforehand and we can touch on landscaping, Xeriscape, ornamental ponds and green building. When requested, I can make specific recomendations for contractors for all these areas; many times combining several segments with ONE contractor.
For more information, contact info@dickpeterson.com.
If you need assistance in planning your new system, contact me by e-mail to schedule a consultation. An initial consultation is $250 in the local area. If we have an established relationship, I can be reached by cell phone at 512-922-3326, but e-mail is preferable for job tracking purposes

Tour of the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center. With advance notice, I am usualy able to show bus loads of tourists on Mondays, when the Center is closed.
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